One can obtain a flavor of daily life in Lowell during any chosen period by randomly perusing the pages of the Lowell Sun during that time period of interest. Through the following time snippets of events tabulated by our home time newspaper in the 1900s thru early 1950s, one can begin to appreciate the emotional highlights, downturns and successes that made our days in that period so important to us. Please sit back and try to remember those days of yore.

Memories and photos have become so interrelated that decades today seem to fuse into interwoven layers of reality. What is this pastiche of memorabilia?

Beware of totalitarian, AKA socialized, medicine!
It is nor clear to the author of these vignettes just how a proposed insurance plan designed to better the lives of distressed street urchins can be construed as the first dangerous step toward totalitarianism and socialized medicine as found in the Soviet Union. But, such was the debate in the Archbishop’s circle of friends when I was still a Luddite in the ways of social justice.

My grandfather, Paul T. Charbonneau of East End Dairy, is standing by his vehicle (furthest to the left) while six other proud owners display their financial success. Those were the days, my friend, and they all thought that they would never end!
Maybe, the days before World War II were just a bit more pleasant for some folks in the Lowell area?