I will always remember Aunt Victoire as a young and vigorous tennis player, a friend of my Mom, who had managed to avoid the unemployment pitfalls so rampant in our crumbling socioeconomic hometown of Lowell by the Merrimack River.

Of course, many other relatives from the Charbonneau side of the family also contributed their presence at that very fine residence at 138 Hildreth Street over the years. Some of these outstanding personages will be displayed in the text that follows. See our beautiful “Tante Florence, la Jeune” pictured below while standing in front of Pepere’s house. What is the year and make of that car parked in front of the garage? Who is that young girl to the right of Florence, and isn’t that white picket fence a work of New England carpentry?

Notre tante Florence, l’épouse de notre oncle Gérard, était certainement une des plus belles dames du canton.

Par contre, son mari, Gérard Charbonneau, avait aussi une très belle apparence de jeune homme d’affaires. En 1930 environs, tous les gens du Québec se portaient avec aise et une certaine élégance qu’on n’arrivait pas à décrire facilement.

That’s all for now, folks!