Favorite Tunes, 1961 – 1981

Life’s bumps in musical tempos

When life’s gotten you down, my friend, remember that somewhere on this planet someone is poetically creating beauty in musical escapes, which can turn a major disappointment like a love lost forever or even, a near-fatal tragedy into simply another one of destiny’s mysterious happenings.

It is not easy being a real live person complete with memories, friends, feelings, an adequate musculature plus some remarkable, cognitive attributes when trying to exist in a world outside one’s personal volition and control. We are all, strangers, in this strange land where each squirrel is fashioning his/her habitat and, yet, lives among other creatures.

Underground Shelters

World War II movies often depicted men, women and children scurrying to find shelter during enemy bombing raids by hiding in railroad tunnels, natural caverns, basements of large, municipal buildings or behind an embankment.

Could a similar approach on a city-wide scale also be effective in protecting the populace in a nuclear attack?

SAC – Strategic Air Command

Each major contender in the nuclear arms race, that happened after the Soviets had successfully detonated their first thermonuclear device, an H-bomb, in the desert plains of xx, then realized the awesome destructive power that each possessed over the lives of all living creatures on the planet. Nuclear blackmail became an internationally recognized approach to all subsequent political disagreements.